R obotic A lgorithms & M otion P lanning L aboratory
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Moslem Kazemi
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/moslemk/
E-mail: moslemk [at] sfu [dot] ca

Zhenwang Yao
Website: http://www.sfu.ca/~zyao/
E-mail: zyao [at] sfu [dot] ca

Zhenwang Yao received his B.S. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1998, and his M.A.Sc. degree from Simon Fraser University, Canada, in 2005. He is currently working toward his Ph.D. degree in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University. His research interests include path planning, distributed robotics and sensor networks. Zhenwang Yao was a recipient of NSERC PGS scholarship (by Canadian Government), 2006-2009.

Lila Torabi
Website: http://www.sfu.ca/~ltorabi/
E-mail: ltorabi [at] sfu [dot] ca

Lila Torabi received her BSc Degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 1996 and her MSc Degree in Computer Engineering from Amir Kabir University of Technology in 2001. After receiving her MSc's Degree she worked in HESCo and Farineh Sanat Engineering Co. as a Senior Expert of Automation. In 2004, she joined Simon Fraser University where she is now a PhD student in the School of Engineering Science.

From 1997 to 1999, she worked as a R&D engineer in Digitron Co. Her research interests include computational geometry, 3D modelling, view planning and mobile manipulator path planning.

Bruno L'Esperance
E-mail: blespera [at] sfu [dot] ca

Bruno L’Espérance received his B.S in Mathematics and Economics from the University of Montreal in 2005. He completed his M.S in Applied Mathematics at the University of British Columbia in 2007.

He is currently a PhD student at the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University, in British Columbia, since September 2009. His research interests are mainly on motion planning algorithms to guarantee safety of mobile robotic systems in dynamic environments.

Vinay Kumar Pilania
Website: http://www.sfu.ca/~vpilania
E-mail: vpilania [at] sfu [dot] ca

Vinay Pilania received a Dual Degree (B.Tech and M.Tech) from I.I.T. Kharagpur in 2009 and joined Simon Fraser University in Fall of same year where he is now a PhD student at the School of Engineering Science.

He was awarded the Institute Silver Medal for the highest GPA among the graduating students of his Department, Best Project Awards for his bachelor and master thesis work. Vinay has worked at CSIRO-Autonomous Systems Laboratory, Brisbane, Australia for his internship.

Siddharth Oli
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/siddhartholi/
E-mail: soli [at] sfu [dot] ca

Yifeng Huang
Awesense Wireless Inc.
E-mail: yhuangf [at] gmail [dot] com
Dissertation: "Motion Planning with localization and sensing uncertainty for a Mobile Manipulator in Exploration and Inspection Tasks"

Yifeng Huang received the B.A.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China in 1996, and M.A.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from China Academic of Science Shenyang Institute, Shenyang,China, in 1999. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, in 2009.

From 1999 to 2001, He worked as an Electrical Engineer at the Huayan Power Technology Co., ltd, Shenyang, China, where he was engaged in hardware and firmware design using micro-controllers for instrumentation. During his graduate studies since 2001, he has worked on robotic science in the areas of path planning, scheduling and localization/mapping with special interest in planning under sensor uncertainty. His research interests include wireless sensor network, moving target tracking and bio sensor information processing in applications of security surveillance. Currently, he is a .Net developer for Electrical Grid applications with Awesense Wireless Inc.

Pengpeng Wang
E-mail: pwangf [at] cs [dot] sfu [dot] ca
Dissertation: "View Planning with Combined View and Travel Cost"

Yi Li
E-mail: liyi [at] sfu [dot] ca
Dissertation: "Real-Time Motion Planning of Multiple Agents and Formations in Virtual Environments"

Juan-Manuel Ahuactzin Larios
CEO-Probayes Americas
E-mail: Juan-Manuel.Ahuactzin [at] probayes [dot] com
Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994-95

Juan-Manuel Ahuactzin received his Bachelor’s degree in computer systems engineering from the Universidad de las Americas, Puebla (UDLAP) Mexico in 1989, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the Institut Polytechnique National de Grenoble (INPG), France in 1991 and 1994, respectively.

During 1994-95, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the robotics group at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada. He continued to be an associate researcher at SFU during the summers from 1996 to 2000. From 1995 to 1999 Dr. Ahuactzin had a permanent position in the Computer Systems Engineering Department at UDLAP Mexico. He was a Conacyt-SNI (Mexican NSF) national researcher, from June 1996 to Jun 2002.

From January 2000 to 2005 he was an Invited Researcher an research engineer at INRIA Rône-Alpes. From January 2002 to October 2005 he participated in the European research project Bayesian Inspired Brains and Artefacts (BIBA) by developing several application using the Bayesian Technology and the Bayesian Engine ProBT.

Dr. Ahuactzin is co-founder of the Probayes Company, a spin-off of INRIA, where he was Research Director from 2005 to 2010. From August 2010 Dr. Ahuactzin is the CEO of Probayes Americas the Mexican branch of the Company.

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