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R obotic A lgorithms & M otion P lanning L aboratory |
2018Mobile manipulator planning under uncertainty in unknown environments. Vinay Pilania and Kamal Gupta. International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), SAGE Press, 37(2):316– 339, 2018.2017Localization aware sampling and connection strategies for incremental motion planning under uncertainty. Vinay Pilania and Kamal Gupta. Autonomous Robots, Springer, 41(1):111– 132, 2017.2015A hierarchical and adaptive mobile manipulator planner with base pose uncertainty. Vinay Pilania and Kamal Gupta. Autonomous Robots, Springer, 1(39):65–85, 2015.Localization aware sampling strategy for motion planning under uncertainty. Vinay Pilania and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE/RSJ Interntational Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 6093–6099, Hamburg, Germany, 2015. 2014Safety hierarchy for planning with hard time constraints in unknown dynamic environments. Bruno L’Esperance and Kamal Gupta. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 6(30):1398– 1411, 2014.A hierarchical and adaptive mobile manipulator planner. Vinay Pilania and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, pages 45–51, Madrid, Spain, 2014. 2013Randomized kinodynamic planning for robust image-based visual servoing. Moslem Kazemi, Kamal Gupta, and Mehran Mehrandezh. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 29(5):1197– 1210, October 2013. Digital Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TRO.2013.2264865.Human motion behaviour aware planner (hmbap) for path planning in dynamic human environments. Siddharth Oli, Bruno L’Esperance and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), pages 81–87, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov 25-28, 2013. 2012An autonomous six-dof eye-in-hand system for in-situ 3d object modeling. Lila Torabi and Kamal Gupta. International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 31(1):82–100, January 2012.Path planning for image based control of wheeled mobile manipulators. Moslem Kazemi, Kamal Gupta, and Mehran Mehrandezh. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 5306–5312, Portugal, 2012. An autonomous 9-dof mobile-manipulator system for in situ 3d object modeling. Lila Torabi and Kamal Gupta. In video proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4540–4541, Portugal, 2012. 2011Metamodel-based optimization for problems with expensive objective and constraint functions. Moslem Kazemi, Gary Wang, Shahryar Rahnamayan, and Kamal Gupta. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(1):014505:1–7 (7 pages), January 2011.Some complexity results for metric view planning problem with traveling cost and visibility range. Pengpeng Wang, Kamal Gupta, and Ramesh Krishnamurti. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE-TASE), 8(3):654–659, July 2011. Distributed roadmaps for robot navigation in sensor networks. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 27(5):997–1003, October 2011. Kinodynamic planning for visual servoing. Moslem Kazemi, Mehran Mehrandezh, and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), pages 2478–2484, Shanghai, China, 2011. 2010Generalized watchman route problem with discrete view cost.Pengpeng Wang, Ramesh Krishnamurti, and Kamal Gupta. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 20(2):119–146, 2010.Distributed roadmaps for robot navigation in sensor networks. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3078– 3083, Alaska, USA, May, 2010. Constraint importance mode pursuing sampling for continuous optimization. Moslem Kazemi, Gary Wang, S. Rahnamayan, and Kamal Gupta. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE, Montreal, August, 2010. no. DETC2010-28355. Integrated view and path planning for an autonomous six-dof eye-in-hand object modeling system. Lila Torabi and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4516–4521, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2010. 2009Backbone based path planning for multiple robots while maintaining connectivity. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1133–1139, Kobe, Japan, May, 2009.Distributed strategies for escaping local minima in motion planning for mobile networks. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. In Second International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination (RoboComm), pages 1–7, Denmark, 2009. Global path planning for robust visual servoing. Moslem Kazemi and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 326–332, Kobe, Japan, May, 2009. Collision probability constrained prm for a manipulator with base pose uncertainty. Yifeng Huang and Kamal Gupta. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 1426–1532, St. Louis, USA, October, 2009. 2008RRT-SLAM for Motion Planning with Motion and Map Uncertainty for Robot Exploration. Yifeng Huang and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sep. 2008Real-time Motion Planning of Multiple Formations in Virtual Environments: Flexible Virtual Structures and Continuum Model. Y. Li, and K. Gupta. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, France, Sep. 2008 Backbone-based Roadmaps for Robot Navigation in Sensor Networks. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May. 2008 2007Metric View Planning Problem with Traveling Cost and Visibility Range. Pengpeng Wang, Ramesh Krishnamurti, Kamal Gupta. ICRA 2007: 1292-1297View Planning Problem with Combined View and Traveling Cost. Pengpeng Wang, Ramesh Krishnamurti, Kamal Gupta. ICRA 2007: 711-716 Generalized Watchman Route Problem with Discrete View Cost. Pengpeng Wang, Ramesh Krishnamurti, Kamal Gupta. CCCG 2007: 241-244 View Planning for Exploration via Maximal C-space Entropy Reduction for Robot Mounted Range Sensors. Pengpeng Wang, Kamal Gupta. Advanced Robotics 21(7): 771-792 (2007) Configuration Space Based Efficient View Planning and Exploration with Occupancy Grids. Lila Torabi, Moslem Kazemi, and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Diego, CA, Oct. 2007 Path Planning with General End-Effector Constraints. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, v 55, p.316-327, Jan. 2007. Motion Planning of Multiple Agents in Virtual Environments on Parallel Architectures. Yi Li and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1009-1014, Rome, Italy, Apr. 2007 Motion Planning of Multiple Agents in Virtual Environments. Yi Li and Kamal Gupta. AAAI-07 (the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence) AI Video Competition, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jul. 2007 2006A Configuration Space View of View Planning. Pengpeng Wang, and Kamal Gupta. In Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006.A Hybrid Two-layered Approach to Real-Time Motion Planning of Multiple Agents in Virtual Environments. Yi Li and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 4362-4367, Beijing, China, Oct. 2006. Self-Motion Graph in Path Planning for Redundant Robots along Specified End-Effector Paths. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p.2004- 2009, May. 2006. 2005Large-Scale Agent Formations in Virtual Environments Using Linear Elastic Shapes. Yi Li and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents, pp. 91-96, Hong Kong SAR, China, Oct. 2005.An Adaptive Configuration-space and Work-space Based Criterion for View Planning. Yifeng Huang and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005. Path Planning with General End-Effector Constraints: Using Task space to Guide Configuration Space Search. Zhenwang Yao and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p.2211-2216, Aug. 2005. Motion planning of multiple agents in virtual environments using coordination graphs. Yi Li, Kamal Gupta, and S. Payandeh. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 380-5, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005. An Incremental harmonic function-based probabilistic roadmap approach to robot path planning.Moslem Kazemi, Mehran Mehrandezh and Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2148-53 ,Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005. 2004C-space entropy: a measure for view planning and exploration for general robot-sensor systems in unknown environments. Yong Yu, Kamal Gupta. International Journal of Robotics Research, v 23, n 11, Dec. 2004, p 1197-223.C-space exploration using noisy sensor models. M. Suppa, Pengpeng Wang, Kamal Gupta, G. Hirzinger. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 4777-82, New Orleans, LA, USA, 26 April-1 May 2004. A Delaunay triangulation based node connection strategy for probabilistic roadmap planners. Yifeng Huang, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 908-13, New Orleans, LA, USA, 26 April-1 May 2004. 2003Simultaneous path planning and exploration for manipulators with eye and skin sensors. M. Fernandez, Kamal Gupta, J.C. Fraile. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p 914-19, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 27-31 Oct. 2003.Computing C-space entropy for view planning with a generic range sensor model. Pengpeng Wang, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2406-11, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-19 Sept. 2003. 2002Simultaneous path planning and free space exploration with skin sensor. Mehran Mehrandezh, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 3838-43, Washington, DC, USA, 11-15 May 2002.Computing C-space entropy for view planning based on beam sensor model. Pengpeng Wang, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p 2389-94, Lausanne, Switzerland, 30 Sept.-5 Oct. 2002. 2001An information theoretical approach to view planning with kinematic and geometric constraints. Yong Yu, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 1948-53, Seoul, South Korea, 21-26 May 2001.On eye-sensor based path planning for robots with non-trivial geometry/kinematics. Kamal Gupta, Yong Yu. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 1948-53, Seoul, South Korea, 21-26 May 2001. MPK: an open extensible motion planning kernel. L. Gipson, Kamal Gupta, M. Greenspan. Journal of Robotic Systems, v 18, n 8, p 433-43, Aug. 2001. Flexible part orienting using rotation direction and force measurements. S. Rusaw, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. International Journal of Robotics Research, v 20, n 6, June 2001, p 484-505. 2000On estimating local shape using contact sensing. M. Charlebois, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. Journal of Robotic Systems, v 17, n 12, Dec. 2000, p 643-58.Time-optimal rendezvous planning for pick-and-place task sharing. Mehran Mehrandezh, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2703-8, San Francisco, CA, USA, 24-28 April 2000. An information theoretic approach to viewpoint planning for motion planning of eye-in-hand systems. Yong Yu, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2000), p 306-11, Montreal, Que., Canada, 14-17 May 2000. 1999The kinematic roadmap: a motion planning based global approach for inverse kinematics of redundant robots. J.M. Ahuactzin, Kamal Gupta. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, v 15, n 4, Aug. 1999, p 653-69.A global planner for in-hand dextrous re-configuration of rigid objects. M. Cherif, Kamal Gupta. Advanced Robotics, v 13, n 4, 1999, p 451-71. Planning quasi-static fingertip manipulations for reconfiguring objects. M. Cherif, Kamal Gupta. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, v 15, n 5, Oct. 1999, p 837-48. Sensor-based roadmaps for motion planning for articulated robots in unknown environments: some experiments with an eye-in-hand system. Yong Yu, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p 1707-14, Kyongju, South Korea, 17-21 Oct. 1999. Part orienting with a force/torque sensor. S. Rusaw, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2545-50, Detroit, MI, USA, 10-15 May 1999. Shape description of curved surfaces from contact sensing using surface normals. M. Charlebois, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. International Journal of Robotics Research , v 18, n 8, Aug. 1999, p 779-87. Completeness results for a point-to-point inverse kinematics algorithm. J.M. Ahuactzin, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 1526-31, Detroit, MI, USA, 10-15 May 1999. 1998An efficient online algorithm for direct octree construction from range images. Yong Yu, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 3079-84, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 May 1998.Manipulation planning for redundant robots: a practical approach. J.M. Ahuactzin, Kamal Gupta, E. Mazer. International Journal of Robotics Research, v 17, n 7, July 1998, p 731-47. 3D in-hand manipulation planning. M. Cherif, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p 146-51, Victoria, BC, Canada, 13-17 Oct. 1998. On sensor-based roadmap: a framework for motion planning for a manipulator arm in unknown environments. Yong Yu, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p 1919-24, Victoria, BC, Canada, 13-17 Oct. 1998. Motion prediction of moving objects based on autoregressive model. A. Elnagar, Kamal Gupta. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Part A (Systems & Humans), v 28, n 6, Nov. 1998, p 803-10. Automatic orienting of polyhedra through step devices, Ruiquan Zhang, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 550-6, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 May 1998. Determining polygon orientation using model based force interpretation. S. Rusaw, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 544-9, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 May 1998. Orienting polygons with fences over a conveyor belt: empirical observations. S. Rusaw, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p 831-6, Victoria, BC, Canada, 13-17 Oct. 1998. Motion planning for flexible shapes (systems with many degrees of freedom): A survey. Kamal Gupta. Visual Computer, v 14, n 5-6, 1998, p 288-302. A motion planning based approach for inverse kinematics of redundant robots: the kinematic roadmap. J.M. Ahuactzin, Kamal Gupta. Expert Systems with Applications, v 14, n 1-2, Jan.-Feb. 1998, p 159-67. 1997Shape description of general, curved surfaces using tactile sensing and surface normal information. M. Charlebois, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2819-24, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 20-25 April 1997.A motion planning based approach for inverse kinematics of redundant robots: the kinematic roadmap. J.M. Ahuactzin, Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 3609-14, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 20-25 April 1997. 1996Curvature based shape estimation using tactile sensing. M. Charlebois, Kamal Gupta, S. Payandeh. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 3502-7, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 22-28 April 1996.Complete 3D boundary representation from multiple range images: exploiting geometric constraints. Kamal Gupta, Xu Zukang. Robotica, v 13, pt.4, July-Aug. 1995, p 339-49. On manipulation planning. J.M. Ahuactzin, Kamal Gupta, E. Mazer. Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, p 67-72, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 10-11 Aug. 1995. Motion planning for re-orientation using finger tracking: landmarks in SO(3)* omega. Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 446-51, Nagoya, Japan, 21-27 May 1995. 1994Practical global motion planning for many degrees of freedom: a novel approach within sequential framework. Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2038-43, San Diego, CA, USA, 8-13 May 1994.1993Practical motion planners for many degrees of freedom: experimental results and analysis. Kamal Gupta, X Zhu. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 1964, p 312-19, Orlando, FL, USA, 14-16 April 1993.Efficient bitmap-based implementation of sequential framework for motion planning for manipulators with many degrees of freedom. Kamal Gupta, X Zhu. Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 4, p 547-52, Le Touquet, France, 17-20 Oct. 1993. 1992Motion planning for many degrees of freedom: sequential search with backtracking. Kamal Gupta, Z. Guo. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 2328-33, Nice, France, 12-14 May 1992.1991Motion planning for many degrees of freedom: sequential search with backtracking. Kamal Gupta, Z. Guo. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, p 1006-11, Pisa, Italy, 19-22 June 1991.A practical motion planner for PUMA 560. Kamal Gupta, Z. Guo. Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, p 258-61, Victoria, BC, Canada, 9-10 May 1991. 1990Fast collision avoidance for manipulator arms: a sequential search strategy. Kamal Gupta. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, p 1724-9, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 13-18 May 1990.Fast collision avoidance for manipulator arms: a sequential search strategy. Kamal Gupta. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, v 6, n 5, Oct. 1990, p 522-32. Fast visual foothold finding for an autonomous bipedal robot. K. Antonelli, Kamal Gupta, T. McGeer. Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 1193, 1990, p 74-7. |
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