Create Scenes
To-Do list
Bugs reports
Released versions
MPK-1.2.2: Aug 31, 2009
- Changes in MPKgui
- Update VRML reader to handle unsupported keywords.
- Disable planner/cd/load menu when planning in progress.
- Disable double click when planning in progress.
- Changes in MPKlib
- Update Server to support clear and robust switch to different robot/planner.
MPK-1.2.1: May 28, 2007
- Changes in MPKlib
- Find tunning in a couple of planners, including PRM, IK_ACA, MPEP.
- Changes in MPKgui
- Some minor changes related planner dialogs.
MPK-1.2.0: May 10, 2007
- Changes in MPKlib
- RRT planner replaced.
- RRT-Connect planner replaced.
- Added new data structure of tree and graph as first step toward replacing LEDA.
- Fix a bug in ATACE planner, where a synchronization is missing between display thread and planning thread.
- Add default directory manipulation, so that it take running directory as its default directory.
- Changes in MPKgui
- Change the default setting of user dialog for ATACE planner.
- Add RAMP logo in the gl window.
- Enable white background for universe display.
- Other changes
- Add #cspacecamera setting in those frequently used .mpk files.
MPK-1.1.1: Mar 3, 2006
- Moved MPK from Visual Souresafe server to CVS repository.
- Update changes in different versions (due to outage of VSS server).
- Restructure the directories for different components and documents.
- Changes in MPKlib
- Allow a robot to have a base.
- Solve most of memory leaks.
- Fix potential issues in SWIFTpp, which caused many warning on running and crash on comlex scene.
- Solve the problem of crashes on bad .mpk file (with invalid robot, environment, etc.
- Seperate closed-chain planner into PL_RRT_Closedchain, PL_PRM_Constraint.
- Changes in MPKgui
- Reorganize the menu, categorize planners by problems.
- Solve the problem of crash when adding user obstacle in an empty scene.
- Other changes
- Add robot model and .mpk file for powercube.
MPK-1.1.0: June 2005
- Changes in MPKlib
- Add PL_MPEP planner.
- Add PL_ATACE planner.
- Add PL_ClosedChain planners.
- Add IK_Jacobian planner.
- Solve some memory leaks.
- Changes in MPKgui
- Add interface to save and load user obstacles.
- Add elapsed time display when planning.
- Add user keyboard view control.
MPK-1.0 and before: