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Create Scenes
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Create your own scene

There are many predefined scenes in current released, in both 2D and 3D environment, using different type of robots. You can also create your own scene with your own robots.

Create your own .mpk file

The following shows an example of .mpk file.

  • Line 2-3: define the start and goal configuration of a task.
  • Line 4: define the default configuration to start with.
  • Line 5-8: define camera/view setting for scene display.
  • Line 9-12: define camera/view setting for planner (typically C-space) display.
  • Line 13-14: define path planner to use. In this example, planner 6 is the PRM planner.
  • Line 15-16: define collision detector to use. In this example, collision detector 1 is VCollide.
  • Line 17-18: define the robot to use. See Create your own robot.
  • Line 19-20: define obstacles in the environments, which needs to be a VRML file.
  • Line 21-22: define the goal frame in inverse kinematics type of planner.
  • Line 23-31: a path saved before from a success planning.
The scene defined by this .mpk file is as in following figure. In the figure, the square is the robot, and the red and goal ones are the start and goal configuration respectively.

Create your own robot

The following shows an example of robot file.

The file should be self-explanatory. The links are VRML objects, and the joints are defined with DH parameters. The robot defined by the above file is shown in the following figure, where the joint frames and the tool frame are also shown.

Create your own object models

In MPK, VRML model is used to define robot links and obstacles. For example, the following are objects used in previous files.
2dmaze.wrl rounded link.wrl rounded gripper.wrl

To create your own object (.WRL file) you need to use CAD software like Solidworkds.

Updated on May 10, 2007 by Zhenwang Yao .
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